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Statement of Vice Premier on Nasrin Sotoudeh´s case


Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Human Rights and National Minorities, Rudolf Chmel firmly condemns Iranian court decision sentencing the prominent Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, a mother of two, to 11 years in jail. She has also been banned for 20 years from working as a lawyer.

The absurd accusations against Ms Sotoudeh, were mainly over her clients jailed after Iran's disputed June 2009 presidential election. As the representant of the Iranian opposition activists and politicians she was found guilty of acting against national security and propaganda against the Iranian regime.

Mr Chmel is convinced that sentencing Sotoudeh for her membership of the Human Rights Defenders' Centre, a group headed by Iranian Nobel peace prize winner Shirin Ebadi means deliberate violation of the human and civil rights.

Human dignity and civil liberties of individuals belong to basic principles of the foreign policy of the Slovak Republic and EU as well. This is why we condemn harsh violation of the human rights and freedom caused to Nasrin Sotoudeh by the Iranian court decision.

Bratislava, 10. 1. 2011

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