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  1. Domov
  2. Tlačové správy a oznamy
  3. Robert Fico: Návšteva Číny je cestou roka 2024

Robert Fico: Návšteva Číny je cestou roka 2024


Na prelome októbra a novembra sa uskutočnila významná návšteva predstaviteľov vlády SR v Číne. Spolu s delegáciou predsedu vlády do Číny cestovalo aj 77 zástupcov 56 firiem zo Slovenska. Slovenská návšteva Číny sa pôvodne mala konať ešte v júni tohto roka, avšak kvôli atentátu na predsedu vlády Roberta Fica sa musela uskutočniť v náhradnom termíne. "Chcem poďakovať čínskej strane, keďže táto cesta bola organizovaná už v júni, ale kvôli atentátu som ju nemohol absolvovať, že v takom krátkom čase sa môže táto oficiálna návšteva zrealizovať,“ povedal predseda vlády.

Cieľom oficiálnej návštevy bolo potvrdenie novej kvality bilaterálnych vzťahov medzi SR a Čínou, v rámci nej dôraz na kvalitu obchodno-ekonomických vzťahov a podpora investícií z oboch strán. Vzájomné vzťahy Čína a Slovensko inštitucionalizovali na úroveň strategického partnerstva, podobné partnerstvo má Slovensko uzavreté s Južnou Kóreou a Japonskom.

Počas oficiálnej návštevy predsedu vlády v Pekingu prijali najvyšší predstavitelia krajiny – stretol sa s predsedom vlády Číny Li Čchiangom, s prezidentom Čínskej ľudovej republiky Si Ťin-pchingom, ako aj predsedom parlamentu Čaom Le-tim.

„Napriek tomu, že všetky moje vlády mali záujem, aby medzi Čínou a Slovenskom boli priateľské a vzájomne výhodné ekonomické vzťahy, táto návšteva dala ešte vyššiu kvalitu slovensko-čínskym a čínsko-slovenským vzťahom. Na mimoriadne konštruktívnom stretnutí s predsedom vlády Číny sme sa dohodli, že vzťahom dáme strategické partnerstvo. Budeme tak môcť využívať rôzne inštitúty, ktoré ešte viac prehĺbia spoluprácu nielen vlád, ale aj podnikateľských sektorov,“ ozrejmil Robert Fico.

Významným výsledkom návštevy je možnosť cestovať do Číny bez víz. Občania Slovenskej republiky tak budú môcť navštíviť Čínu až na 15 dní bez bolo, aby potrebovali víza.

Prínosom oficiálnej návštevy boli aj dôležité dokumenty, ktoré v Číne podpísali ministri slovenskej a čínskej vlády.

Podpredsedníčka vlády a ministerka hospodárstva SR Denisa Saková podpísala Memorandum o porozumení o zriadení pracovnej skupiny pre investičnú a hospodársku spoluprácu, Spoločné vyhlásenie o posilnení ekonomickej spolupráce, Memorandum o porozumení o podpore investičnej spolupráce v oblasti zeleného rozvoja, Memorandum o spoločnej podpore priemyselnej a investičnej spolupráce, Memorandum o porozumení a posilnení investičnej spolupráce v oblasti digitálnej ekonomiky (za MIRRI); minister dopravy SR Jozef Ráž podpísal Memorandum o porozumení a prehlbovaní spolupráce na projekte China-Europe Railway Express; ministerka kultúry SR Martina Šimkovičová podpísala Program spolupráce v oblasti kultúry medzi Ministerstvom kultúry SR a Ministerstvom kultúry ČĽR na roky 2024 – 2028; podpredseda vlády a minister životného prostredia SR Tomáš Taraba podpísal Memorandum o spolupráci v oblasti zeleného a nízkouhlíkového rozvoja; minister cestovného ruchu a športu Dušan Keketi podpísal Memorandum o porozumení a spolupráci v oblasti cestovného ruchu; predseda Úradu pre normalizáciu, metrológiu a skúšobníctvo SR Pavol Pavlis podpísal Memorandum o porozumení medzi ÚNMS SR a Standardization Administration of the People´s Republic of China a Akčný plán spolupráce na roky 2024 – 2028; minister pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka SR Richard Takáč podpísal Memorandum o porozumení a spolupráci pri prevencii a kontrole šírenia BSE (za Štátnu veterinárnu a potravinovú správu SR) a rovnako Podpis protokolu – export čmeliakov.

Predseda vlády sa z Pekingu presunul do čínskej provincie Anhui. V meste Hefei ho prijal generálny tajomník vlády provincie Liang Yanshun. Hlavnou témou rozhovoru bola investícia spoločnosti Gotion, ktorá má svoje hlavné sídlo práve v provincii Anhui. „Investícia Gotion na Slovensku bude jedným z prelomových momentov vo vzťahu Číny a Slovenska,“ povedal premiér Robert Fico a zdôraznil, že táto investícia má plnú podporu vlády SR. S generálnym tajomníkom hovorili aj o strategickom partnerstve, ktoré medzi sebou uzavreli Čína a Slovensko.

Po prijatí u predstaviteľov provinčnej vlády Robert Fico navštívil sídlo závodu Gotion. Stretol sa s vedením spoločnosti a prezrel si ich centrum výskumu a vývoja. Toto centrum pred niekoľkými dňami navštívili aj Slováci z regiónu, v ktorom má stáť nová baterkáreň Gotionu. Robert Fico ocenil vysokú pridanú technologickú hodnotu. „Je dobrou správou, že tieto najmodernejšie technológie budú súčasťou závodu na Slovensku. Prispeje to k zachovaniu konkurencieschopnosti nášho automobilového priemyslu,“ skonštatoval predseda vlády.

„Investícia spoločnosti Gotion je jednou z najväčších investícií v histórii Slovenska - 1,4 miliardy eur, 1300 nových pracovných miest, vlastný vývoj, spolupráca s najvýznamnejšími automobilkami, najmä Volkswagenom, ktorý priamo vlastnícky vstúpil do Gotionu. Ak sa nestane nič nepredvídané, stavebné práce začnú v marci budúceho roku. Okolo tohto investičného zámeru je veľa šumu, sú aj ľudia, ktorí ho chcú zmariť. Bolo preto správne, že pred pár týždňami bola zorganizovaná návšteva asi 80 ľudí zo Šurian a okolia, aby na vlastné oči videli, aká vysoko sofistikovaná výroba má prísť na Slovensko. Dnes som si s viacerými ministrami prešiel oddelenie výskumu a vývoja a samotnú výrobu, ktorá vyžaduje takú mieru čistoty a sterility, že máte skôr pocit, že sa pohybujete v špičkovej nemocnici a nie vo firme na výrobu batérií do elektrovozidiel,“ povedal Robert Fico.

Na kritiku, podľa ktorej oficiálna návšteva Číny ohrozuje demokraciu na Slovensku, Robert Fico zareagoval: „Moja návšteva v Číne nemá vôbec nič spoločné s demokraciou na Slovensku. Táto cesta neohrozila ani našu bezpečnosť, ani naše hospodárstvo. Ak niekto ohrozuje hospodárstvo Slovenskej republiky, je to nezmyselný Green deal, ktorý schválila Európska únia a tá bude v roku 2025 prežívať ťažké hospodárske časy. Nezmyselné limity, nezmyselné podmienky, nezmyselné ciele, ktoré nie je možné naplniť,“ skonštatoval v tejto súvislosti predseda vlády a dodal, že sami často dostávame Úniu pod tlak, napríklad pri zámeroch dodatočných ciel na čínske elektromobily. „Samotní producenti áut v Európe uznávajú, že v elektromobilite Čína predbehla EÚ o celú dekádu. Aj preto Európska komisia prišla s nezmyselným návrhom na zavedenie dodatočných ciel na dovoz čínskych elektromobilov do Európy, čo sme odmietli nielen my, ale aj Nemci či Španieli. Teda krajiny, ktoré sú producentmi áut strednej triedy a luxusných áut, vývoz ktorých do Číny sa môže zmariť. Ja osobne preto považujem túto investíciu za správnu pre Slovensko a užitočnú pre celú Európu. Zároveň verím, že otázka obchodnej vojny medzi Čínou a Európskou úniou bude zažehnaná a nájdeme spoločné riešenie,“ podčiarkol predseda vlády.

Program v provincii Anhui zakončil Robert Fico návštevou Univerzity Anhui, kde prednášal študentom o zahranično-politických prioritách vlády SR a globálnej úlohe Číny.

„Musíme rešpektovať Čínu. Je to krajina, ktorá má 1,5 miliardy obyvateľov, je stabilná a garantuje mier a určitú mieru rovnováhy nielen v regióne, ale na celom svete,“ povedal predseda vlády, podľa ktorého aj urovnanie sporu na Ukrajine nebude možné bez aktívnej spoluúčasti Číny.

Anglická verzia spoločného vyhlásenia o nadviazaní stragického partnerstva medzi Slovenskou republikou a Čínskou ľudovou republikou

Joint Statement between the Slovak Republic and the People's Republic of China on the Establishment of a Strategic Partnership

From 31st October to 5th November, 2024, Robert Fico, Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, paid an official visit to the People´s Republic of China. During the visit, Prime Minister Robert Fico met with President of the People´s Republic of China Xi Jinping and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People´s Congress of the P.R.C. and held talks with Prime Minister of the P.R.C. Li Qiang.

Slovakia and China (hereinafter referred to as the “Participants”) had in-depth exchange of views and reached broad consensus on their bilateral relations and exchanged views on international and regional issues of mutual interest. The participants decided to establish a Slovak-Chinese strategic partnership.

The participants accept that they do not have any significant open questions or unresolved issues between them. Friendship and cooperation have always been the mainstream of the bilateral relations and are in line with the common and long-term interests of the two peoples. Slovakia and China have always been committed to the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation, actively promoted high-level exchanges and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.

This year, Slovakia and China commemorate 75 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations. Slovakia, as the successor state of former Czechoslovakia, and China, are ready to take the anniversary of their diplomatic relations as an opportunity to carry forward traditional friendship, deepen political mutual trust, balanced and reciprocal relations, expand exchanges and cooperation in all fields and at all levels, and bring bilateral relations to a higher level.

1. Political Domain

1.1. The participants recognize the importance of maintaining balanced and reciprocal relations, its continuity and consistency based on bilateral and the EU-China relations.

1.2. The participants are committed to strengthening high-level exchanges, and promoting exchanges and mutual visits between the governments, legislative bodies, localities, political parties of the two countries, as well as on the non-governmental and people-to-people basis, so that they will stay in close communication and step-up dialogue and cooperation on bilateral relations and other issues of common interest.

1.3. In order to develop and deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries, the participants will establish an inter-governmental strategic dialogue mechanism to make plans for the future development of bilateral relations. To this end, the participants decide to establish an intergovernmental cooperation committee between the Slovak Republic and the People’s Republic of China (at the level of Foreign Minister or Vice Foreign Minister). According to the arrangement between the two sides, committee meetings will be held alternately in Slovakia and China at flexible intervals.

1.4. The participants reaffirmed their commitment to respecting each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Slovakia reaffirmed its firm commitment to the one-China policy, that there is but one China in the world, and that the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Slovakia opposes any attempts to interfere in China´s internal affairs, sovereignty and territorial integrity, including Taiwan.

1.5. The participants will advocate humanity’s common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom, respect, protect and promote the human rights and basic freedoms of all people, and respect the independent choices made by the people of each country on the paths for the development of democracy and social and political systems that suit their national conditions, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

The participants firmly oppose the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues, and firmly oppose any country interfering in the internal affairs of other countries in the name of democracy and human rights.

1.6. The participants agree to build the bilateral agenda in coordination and based on the objectives set by the EU-China 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation.

The participants recognize that the European Union (EU) and China are both important players on the international stage and are important partners in addressing global challenges. The participants will continue deepening the EU-China comprehensive strategic partnership, acknowledging the complementarity of the Slovak-Chinese strategic partnership to it. The participants support promoting EU-China dialogue, exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and search possibilities of interaction between the Belt and Road Initiative and the EU’s Global Gateway.

2. Economic Domain

2.1. The participants welcome the steady growth of bilateral trade in recent years and are ready to further improve the trade structure, enrich the variety of products, expand trade, and promote balanced development of trade. China welcomes Slovakia’s active participation in trade promotion platforms such as the China International Import Expo and supports more high-quality Slovak agricultural and food products in entering the Chinese market.

2.2. The participants are ready to further deepen economic, trade and investment cooperation, and work to widen market access for each other’s products, and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for enterprises of the two sides.

China appreciates Slovakia's active engagement in investment platforms like the China International Fair for Investment and Trade. Furthermore, Slovakia welcomes investments and operations from Chinese companies within its borders. China's support for Slovak investments and joint ventures in China is further boosting economic cooperation between the two nations.

2.3. The participants stress the importance of the Joint Economic Committee and the Science and Technology Cooperation Committee as platforms for promoting cooperation on trade, innovation and research and development, and are ready to further strengthen policy dialogue in the fields of economy, trade and science and human-centric technology development and deployment, and provide support for cooperation between enterprises, chambers of commerce and industry associations of the two countries.

2.4. The participants will strengthen cooperation on green development in such fields as new materials, new infrastructure, clean energy, and sustainable development. The participants are ready to extensively explore and cultivate cooperation opportunities in green technology, recycling, waste treatment and other such fields. The participants are ready to strengthen exchanges on CO₂ emission reduction technologies and work together on the diversification of energy resource supply, thereby enhancing energy security and promoting the transition to sustainable low-carbon energy sources such as solar, vehicles, geothermal and wind power. The governments, research institutions, universities, private enterprises of the two countries will actively participate in the above-mentioned cooperation.

2.5. The participants are ready to make full use of various economic and trade cooperation mechanisms and capacity-building projects to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on standards and conformity assessment, promote mutual recognition of standards and certification results of foreign trade products, improve conformity assessment procedures for import and export processes, and avoid repeated inspection and testing. In doing so, trade facilitation and liberalization will be continuously enhanced with costs lowered for both sides.

2.6. Slovakia supports and will actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative. Slovakia is ready to actively participate in cooperation on China-Europe Railway Express, improve transportation infrastructure, and facilitate the entry of Chinese companies and goods into the European market through Slovakia.

2.7. The participants accept that cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) is a useful complement to EU-China relations and Slovakia-China bilateral relations and are ready to jointly work for new progress in China-CEEC cooperation. China supports Slovakia in hosting the Sixth China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Conference in Slovakia and playing a more important role within the mechanism.

3. People-to-People and Cultural Domain

3.1. The participants are ready to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in such fields as culture, education, scientific research, sports, academia, think tanks, film and television, media, tourism, security and law enforcement.

3.2. The participants are ready to strengthen cooperation in the cultural industry, support exchanges and mutual visits between artists and art groups of the two countries, support the hosting of art projects and exhibitions in each other’s countries, and encourage the translation, distribution, and promotion of each other’s literary works.

3.3. The participants attach great importance to education and exchanges on language and culture, encourage schools from both sides to carry out Slovak and Chinese language teaching, strengthen language teacher exchanges, support young people in studying in each other’s countries, and promote friendly exchanges between the youth of the two countries. Slovakia will promote Chinese studies and cultural activities, for example within the Confucius Institutes in Slovakia.

3.4. The important tool for promoting culture and education between official institutions of Slovakia and China is Cooperation Program in the area of Culture and Cooperation Program in the area of Education.

3.5. The participants are ready to strengthen the existing cooperative partnership between the two countries’ academies of sciences and other national-level scientific research institutions, promote cooperation and joint scientific research projects between research institutions in materials science, information technology, biomedicine, health care, environmental science, social science, and other related fields, and strengthen academic exchanges in accordance with national R&D priorities.

3.6. The participants are ready to deepen subnational exchanges and cooperation, promote the development of sister cities, and support the role of the Sino-Czecho-Slovak Friendship Farm in Cangzhou.

4. International Domain

4.1. The participants advocate practicing multilateralism and upholding the international system with the United Nations (U.N.) at its core, the international order based on international law, and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter. Both sides are ready to continue to strengthen cooperation in the U.N. and other international organizations in areas of mutual interest, defend international fairness and justice.

4.2. In accordance with the principles of the U.N. Charter and the agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the participants commit to developing free trade and global economic partnership, upholding the rules-based multilateral trading system in accordance with the WTO Agreements, building an open, transparent, inclusive, and non-discriminatory trade environment, and making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.

4.3. Slovakia is ready to discuss and exchange the views on Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China and takes note of Chinese proposal on promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

4.4. The participants are ready to act on the spirit and principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, continue to have candid dialogue and exchanges on issues of common concern such as climate change, biodiversity, health care, and international security, and contribute to the promotion of inclusive growth, sustainable development, social equality and poverty eradication.