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August 2011
Úrad vlády SR
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813 70 Bratislava

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E-mail: vicepremier@vlada.gov.sk
Contact for media:
           +421 2 57295 186


Visit of Handlová

Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel was welcomed by Rudolf Podoba, mayor of Handlová in front of the town hall.
Rudolf Podoba, mayor of Handlová, informs Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel about the town.
Rudolf Podoba and Rudolf Chmel.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel in the Secondary Grammar School of Ivan Bella signs the book of condolence as a tribute to student victims of a recent tragic car crash.
Headmaster of the Secondary Grammar School, Marián Šorl, Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel and Rudolf Podoba, mayor of Handlová.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel delivers a speech in the Secondary Grammar School.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel signs the annals of the Secondary Grammar School in Handlová.
Deputy prime minister´s visit to Handlová has got huge media interest.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel laid a wreath at the Memorial for mine disaster victims.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel at the Memorial for mine disaster victims.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel visited fretwork gallery of Ján Procner.
Rudolf Chmel, Rudolf Podoba and Ján Procner handicraft artists taste honey wine.
Anton Oswald , the chairman of the Carpathian German Association, welcomed Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel discussed with members of the Carpathian German´s unions from the Hauerland region.
Rudolf Chmel´s meeting with the Carpathian Germans from the Hauerland region.
Deputy prime minister Rudolf Chmel received a gift from the leader of the regional organization of Carpathian Germans, Hildegard Radovská.
Rudolf Chmel´s meeting with the Carpathian Germans from the Hauerland region.
Rudolf Chmel´s meeting with the Carpathian Germans from the Hauerland region.
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