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June 2011
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Tibetan Uprising Day - March 10th

Today  the  world commemorates the 52nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day. In 1950 the chinese People's Army confronted the Dalai Lama's army affirming the People's Republic of China's sovereignty over Tibet to control raw materials of the region. In 1959 the people of Tibet rose up against the brutal Chinese occupation which resulted in a mass slaughter of innocent Tibetans. During the uprising, the Dalai Lama fled to India, where he established a government in exile.

     Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Human Rights and National Minorities expresses his solidarity with the Tibetan nation. Mr Rudolf Chmel firmly condemns all forms of breaching of human rights and the restrictions on liberty. The Deputy Prime Minister supports efforts to re-establish the democracy and reach the Tibetan national independence and territorial sovereignty.

Bratislava, 10. 03. 2011

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